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Download Tor Browser Bundle Alpha 3 Portable Software Free

By WASIF - Monday, May 2, 2016 No Comments
Get Tor Browser Bundle 6.0 Alpha 3 Portable Software free. Provides a powerful shield against network surveillance and traffic analysis. Protecting your online privacy can only be achieved by additional software tools that can hide your location and can prevent your online information and browsing habits from being revealed to anyone. If you’re ever in need of such a tool, Tor Browser Bundle is one suggestion you can add to the list. The application relies on a network of virtual servers in order to make your browsing sessions anonymous. Tor makes available a set of rules and algorithms that routes the communications through various servers all over the world. Thus, all the traffic is randomized so tracking the source becomes an almost impossible task. It is a self-extracting archive that includes the Tor application itself, which can be run from command line, a cross platform controller GUI named Vidalia and a custom-made version of Firefox equipped with a set of addons that ensure online anonymity.

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